Wills • Trusts • Estates

Helping people protect their family and loved ones.

Mr. Shaffer personally handles the entire client process from intake to completion.

Expert Legal Guidance

Navigate complex legal waters with our team’s unparalleled expertise in estate planning and probate law.

Personalized Client Care

Experience tailored legal solutions and dedicated attention to every detail of your unique case.

Trusted Community Partner

Rely on a firm deeply rooted in the community of Martin County, known for integrity and a commitment to client success.

Estate Planning With The Law Office of Robert A. Shaffer

The Law Office of Robert A. Shaffer, P.A. uses unique software and technologies to function virtually anywhere. We strive to provide personalized services tailored to each client, wherever and whenever we are needed.

Our goal is to provide our clients with peace of mind, knowing that their wishes will be carried out and their loved ones will be taken care of. 

Do not wait. Call us today.

Our Practice Areas

Our practice specializes in helping clients and their families plan for the future by providing comprehensive estate planning services. Mr. Shaffer works closely with clients to understand their unique needs, goals and values, in order to develop customized plans that meet our clients' needs.


Our firm specializes in drafting wills that meticulously outline the distribution of your assets and care for minors, ensuring your final wishes are clearly stated and legally upheld, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.


We create custom trusts to manage your assets, offering financial benefits and ensuring your estate is handled according to your specific intentions. Our service includes personalized trust planning for effective estate management and beneficiary care.

Power of Attorney

Our services include establishing a Durable Power of Attorney, authorizing a trusted individual to manage your affairs if you’re unable. This crucial document ensures continuity in legal and financial matters, providing security and clarity for you and your family.

Advance Directives

We assist in drafting Advance Directives, including living wills and healthcare proxies, to ensure your healthcare decisions are respected even if you cannot communicate them. These legal directives provide guidance for your care preferences, offering assurance that your medical wishes are known and followed.


Our office handles the preparation and management of deeds for property transfers. We ensure every transaction is legally sound, whether it involves buying, selling, or transferring property, protecting your interests and ensuring smooth property ownership transitions.


We offer comprehensive probate services, guiding executors and beneficiaries through the complexities of estate administration. Our expertise ensures the process is handled efficiently and in accordance with legal requirements, providing support and resolution during a challenging time.

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We strive to be approachable and reachable and maintain communication with our clients. We value clients and work relentlessly to achieve excellent results.

Community Involvement

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We stand ready to deliver creative and tailor-made solutions and provide exceptionally high-quality advice in all major practice areas.

Ready to assist you in resolving any legal issues you may have.

We feel compelled to break the typical lawyer-client relationship. We endeavor to be friendly and reachable in order to keep in touch with our clients.  We accomplish this by leveraging new tools and technology to accomplish our client’s goals in an efficient manner.